Dog or Horse?
Posted May 13 2014
Today we’re featuring Copper (and his jockey, Riley)!
These two boys belong to my fabulous web designer, Liz. Liz says that shortly before her 15-year old dog went to the dog park in the sky, she got another hound puppy. They named him Copper after the Fox & the Hound. Copper was reported to be half hound dog and half Beagle and expected to be about 40 pounds when full grown… It seems that it’s more likely that he was half hound and half GREAT DANE, as he’s now 90 and still gaining. Copper is great with kids, though he’s a unapologetic counter cruiser, jumps 4′ fences without much thought and thinks he’s a lap dog. What a big sweetie!
(Liz does fantastic websites and much more for authors. If you are a writer wanting a good web person, check out her site at!)
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Haha! Our terrier mix and shepherd mix are certainly selective, too. They hear "treat" without fail, but "down" or "no!" don't always register. Raggs is such a cute name!
Reggie certainly looks happy! My own dog, Raggs, has "selective" hearing--and he's not well trained. But. Our dogs are family and we do love them.
Thanks, Barbara! I wish I could write faster, too! My ideas are backing up in my head. : ) I wish my brain had a USB port where I could automatically download the stories from my mind to the page. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! I'm hard at work on the second one, A Trip with Trouble.
I LOVED getaway with Murder. The second book can't be published soon enough. Can you write any faster? ;-)