Delightful Day in Derby!
Posted Apr 16 2012
I had a wonderful time Saturday in Derby, Kansas! Met lots of great folks, including this mother-daughter pair. Do I have the best-looking fans or what?
The staff at the Derby library were very welcoming and gracious hosts. I appreciate all their work on the event! As an added bonus, they took me to the Watermark Bookstore for lunch. Great food named after literary masterpieces and a very quaint store. Be sure to check it out if you’re ever in the Derby area.
I have to admit that I’m suffering extreme library envy after seeing the Derby facility. Lots of computers, video games for checkout, big-screen televisions, a totally rockin’ teen area, not to mention lots of great books, of course – the place has it all! The people of Derby are lucky to have such a wonderful library facility along with hard-working staff who are clearly dedicated to making sure their library provides great diversity in resources.
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Haha! Our terrier mix and shepherd mix are certainly selective, too. They hear "treat" without fail, but "down" or "no!" don't always register. Raggs is such a cute name!
Reggie certainly looks happy! My own dog, Raggs, has "selective" hearing--and he's not well trained. But. Our dogs are family and we do love them.
Thanks, Barbara! I wish I could write faster, too! My ideas are backing up in my head. : ) I wish my brain had a USB port where I could automatically download the stories from my mind to the page. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! I'm hard at work on the second one, A Trip with Trouble.
I LOVED getaway with Murder. The second book can't be published soon enough. Can you write any faster? ;-)