Posing Pets!
Posted Jan 10 2019

Those of you familiar with my Paw Enforcement series have enjoyed the antics of Brigit, Officer Megan Luz’s clever K-9 crime-solving partner. In my upcoming House Flipper series, you’ll meet Sawdust, a sweet and fluffy feline with a unique skill for digging up dead bodies and leading carpenter Whitney Whitaker to critical clues.
As an animal lover (current count: 3 dogs + 4 cats), I have a blast writing the chapters from the dog’s and cat’s points of view. While the animals don’t talk, we get a glimpse into what’s going on in those furry heads of theirs.
Let’s do some mind-reading, shall we?
Use the comments link below to caption one of these pet photos (just indicate which # in your submission). On release day January 29th, I’ll pick one lucky winner at random to receive a copy of Dead as a Door Knocker (book #1 in the House Flipper series) and this adorable plush Sawdust!

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Haha! Our terrier mix and shepherd mix are certainly selective, too. They hear "treat" without fail, but "down" or "no!" don't always register. Raggs is such a cute name!
Reggie certainly looks happy! My own dog, Raggs, has "selective" hearing--and he's not well trained. But. Our dogs are family and we do love them.
Thanks, Barbara! I wish I could write faster, too! My ideas are backing up in my head. : ) I wish my brain had a USB port where I could automatically download the stories from my mind to the page. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! I'm hard at work on the second one, A Trip with Trouble.
I LOVED getaway with Murder. The second book can't be published soon enough. Can you write any faster? ;-)
I can hardly wait to read this new series!!! I absolutely love your Paw Enforcement series so I am looking forward to hearing what Sawdust has to say!
#4 – “How do I get into these predicaments?”
Funny how things just happen, huh? Ha ha!
#3 Why are you looking at me? I just found this. Personally, I think the cat did it.
Thanks for the laugh, Melissa!
#3 Look what my brother did!
Hee hee! Yep, they’re like kids, trying to implicate each other and act all innocent.
#5- Whatever, I’m still cuter.
I love the “cattitude”, Candace!
#2 Hey cutie! Where’s my treat
Sue, you’re a mind reader!
#6, Yes I am the true SHREDDER!
She’s got claws, and she knows how to use them. Great name, Kelly! ; )
#5 reminds me of our Ronnie, our last cat. We miss him so much. Looking forward to the new series!!
Aww. They live on forever in our hearts, don’t they?
#3. Hey mom, my toy barfed everywhere.
Chandra, you nailed it. : )
#3 I’m so glad you are home now!! This thing just spontaneously exploded in my face!!
Hee hee! Good one, Cecilia!
#3 I’m a food dog, mom. I didn’t do it.
Ha ha! I love it, Karen!
#3 Look MOM I killed the evil hedgehog for you 😀
(it looks a great series, I don’t think I am in the running to win as I am in the UK but will flag this to read!)
Wonderful! So nice to have readers from across the pond!
#5, I have a brother from another mother
That gave me a giggle. Thanks, Areta!
#5 Meet my little friend.
Thanks for entering!
#4 Hey mama! Whatcha doin? May I have some loves, pleeasee!
Awww, cute! Good luck, Cassandra!
Finished “Dead as a Door Knocker.” As an extreme cat lover, loved Sawdust! So looking forward to “Dead in the Doorway”.
So glad you enjoyed it!
Need help with the Tax Series…Mistletoe Mayhem, Little Green Men and Pecan Pie are not to be found. Do you have a site I can buy? Are they “extras” that don’t have to be read in order with the rest…HELP! Thanks!
Sorry! Just found this message. Mistletoe Mayhem and Pecan Pie are novellas (shorter stories) that were released only as e-books, but they are side stories that do not have to be read in order to keep up with the main stories. Love, Luck, & Little Green Men is available in paperback on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites. It’s a very different story than my usual thing – a little bit of fantasy and a lot of romance. Thanks for your interest in my books!